Our services
All of our technologies, products and services are aimed to the concrete result. Program development is just a part of work. A whole project success is added form many of its parts. That is why we apply our own methodology for the information project execution.
Stage 1 Start requirements
First what we do is priority directions detecting. We discover what move a customer, what urge for top management and the company owners. It is important to describe in several sentences the main purpose for an information system. Very often at the same time some consisted directions arise form the main idea. A result of the meetings with a customer is a typed interview. Those materials are useful for the future conceptions, offers and requirements. This is a start point.
Stage 2 Commercial offer
Based on meetings, given fragments of documents our project manager formulates initial requirements for a future system which consists of short purposes and features description. It is necessary to prepare brief as a matter of fact problem definition and to get it on one sheet. It is coordinated with a customer. Further some details should be written: how much work, number of integrated systems, project schedule, services costs, terms of payment. All of the parts are arranged as a commercial offer. After that a customer is to make a decision about project launching
Stage 3 Develop task
This stage means more consulting work. It is talking with middle management, head of company, technical specialists. Each talk and conference is to be accurately written as interview, adjusted and confirmed with the personnel. Some document copies, data pieces and various schemes are supported. Step-by-step from that "Develop task" comes into the world. It is considered with all project participants. "Develop task" consists with all required section which provided with the Government Standards and a few addition sections that project manager decided to include. The aim of this work is to describe completely all necessary functions, to make the whole architecture, to denote the final result. "Develop task" is created mainly to clear all the questions accordingly a project and to make sure that customer and executor can imagine clearly the future system. "Develop task" have to be signed by both parts without fail.
Stage 4 Database
For this period database is designed for a new system. Existing systems connections is prepared. Database engineering is based on "Develop task". It is a matter of improving and scaling taking into account possibility companies develop for several years.
To draw a database scheme we use experience of previous projects our inside standards. The integration starts with flows descriptions, documentary including other developer's structures (when it is necessary). In addition to technical questions we solve following management problems: how often information should be translated, who initiates such exchange, what to do in unordinary situation, how to repeat the translation.
Sage 5 Software development
Mainly software development is following: a lot of ready components from which we collect 80 per cent of system. So every new product is not written from zero. It is gathered from some modules which passed many tests at others enterprises for a long time. As we get some new blocks they are tested at our company with test data. As soon as possible those fragments are demonstrated to the customer (to the end users). As soon a user see the result as fewer changes have to be done in the system. Often some new circumstances occur that were not discussed or vise versa a complicated problem can be solved by a simple way.
Stage 6 Implementation
Implementation of software product is the most difficult stage during a project fulfillment. We recommend launching a new system slowly part by part constantly expanding. An adaptation process is not rapid. People need a coupe of days to be used to operate a new product. Across it we teach staff and describe some details. Without any hesitation overpatching is entered. All this are acted very operatively to make fill to the participants a return from the system implementation.
Stage 7 Real time release testing
Even the system has created ideally but after implementation it has to work stable for a period. In this case customer can be sure that a new product is reliable. We call such period as Real time release testing. For that time no revolution changing is made. It is just program defect elimination, errors correcting and some new features adding for interface behavior improving.
Data analysis and enterprise control system is based on collected data. Technical documentation, user's manual, system administrator instructions are released.
Customer control the process
Our clients supervise the whole process of a system creation taking part at every stage of it. That allows alternate some important details in time. Every work is passed an acceptance procedure. All of applications and materials are given to a customer beforehand. So the buyer can be sure that the result is suitable.
List of works can be different
The list of works with 7 stages that described above is habitual for our company but sometimes we do other variants for a project.
It happens that a project start decision has not made yet but it is needed to describe clearly a future system. Such situation can be when the project is very big. Then we offer to write en enterprise inquiry which consists of not only some parts which should be automated but a lot of important adjacent departments or departments which can be potentially connected to the new system. Very often "Enterprise inquiry" includes "Develop task" and database design.
When a project is scientific and nobody can give 100 per cent result guaranty for a success then we create a pilot project. In this case there is less work for convenience, implementation but many test experiment for various algorithms. If a success customer try to switch to full-scale project.
Рroject work distribution
During the project realization all the works are divided in such way that to solve the problems quickly and with high quality.
We aspire to leave some works to customer's IT departure. Especially it is important for the task definition. Who are not but the client staff knows better all features of their company's processes. The same is for implementation. First who are reliable for some users problems are system administrators. We try to install for the staff as much instruments for software management as possible. They are roles control, backup and diagnostics utilities. When IT Department has got at its disposal such instruments they can solve inside the company at once 90 per cent of all problems.
When some complex equipment took part at a project we cooperate with supplier engineers to get some drivers to consult how to use it. Our systems have got open architecture. They provide any plugins based on dll-libraries. It is depends who put equipment into operation: supplier specialists, our or customer engineers. It is done by who can do it simple and fast.
Guaranty result
Successful project it is all participants' achievement. It is a result of work of many people starting the requirements to final support. If active and talented people took part from the both part it is possible to rise up a company to the new level not only information system but the whole enterprise.
A guaranty success of our projects are verified project methodology, modern technology in action, ready for use modules, date terms following, customer's constant control.