New generation system of electronic commerce.
10 January 2006 An partnership agreement has been signed between Silentium Company and "Region Information Agency Kompass"( Head company
KOMPASS INTERNATIONAL NEUENSCHWANDER S.A. France) accordingly codesign of a new system in the field of electronic commerce. The new software product will work both on Internet servers and directly on client workstations. It intended for B2B market and provides executive Supply Chain Management. Such system is to helpful not only for corporations but for detached enterprises.
The main advantage of the product is quickly online interaction between seller and buyer In January 2006 test works start at separate companies, participants offers put into standard form, a united warehouse for the whole region is to be installed on special Internet "RIA Kompass" server. Till the end of this year 1200 companies of Ryazan city and Ryazan Region should be attached to the new generation system.
System design for manufacture planning
15 April 2005 All design efforts for a new system have been done for Denijnikovo Fodder Plant. In the reengineering framework were built the business models IDEF0, IDEF3, DFD. The technical requirements for program development and integration of existing systems have been written. The main goal of the project is follow: manufacture planning, materials purchase, discrete simulation, budgeting, data analysis.
An agreement of codevelopment de Madrid.
29 January 2005 Madrid. Fitur 2005 Silentium takes part in an international project which provides a united information system in the area of tourism business. A new software product will join a massive of various services from choosing travel rout and reserving airplane tickets to booking of hotel rooms and rent a car. The customers of this system are corporate users: tour operators, travel agencies and aircraft companies. Besides of Russia some of software firms from India, Canada and Denmark take part in the project. Silentium Company develops intellect core for the airline travel optimization and services prices forecasting. We use Java, Delphi and C++. You can learn more about the project at sites: and
A New OLAP-component released
15 November 2004 Silentium Company released the first OLAP component for web applications. Since this time all of the company's customers can analyze their data by multidimensional cube not only at office but on a business trip, at home and even on a vacation.
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A web project for "Sladkoye Iscushenie"
28 September 2004 A web project for "Sladkoye Iscushenie" Company started. The new system allows to sell wholesale 24 hours per day and night nearly without manager's activity. This project has to involve more regional distributors. It is important for them to work distantly with a time lag. learn more...
All works of the web project for "Dom Sladosty"
5 Julay 2004 The works of the web project for "Dom Sladosty" Company have completed. In the context of this project the enterprise's data is collecting, recognizing and transforming into a website. All processes are completely automatic. learn more...
Bombay.Silentium representative is opened.
16 June 2004 Silentium representative is opened in Bombay India. It is to provide Indian software developers with a technical support in implementation of Russian mathematical components into systems produced for the third countries. Aklesh Laxman Gorantyal A 21/1 Preety Sudha Nagar, Mantha Road, Jalna - 431203 (Maharashtra) India Phone: 91 - 2482 - 231947