Eggs production forecasting
12 September 2008 A complex automation project for "Okskaya Poultry Farm" has been completed. This enterprise is a huge holding of several poultry farms (Okskaya, Ribnovskaya, Gorodskoe, Alexandrovskaya), fodder plant, some cultivate companies. Peculiarity of eggs production implies maximum discipline for every departure and well organized work. Each day one million of eggs are deliver to Okskaya Farm which need to be not only effective sorted but additionally properly packed accordingly with customers wishes and to be send to a destination in time. The farm's slogan is "Fresh and high-quality egg". For this reason it is necessary to sell it before a hen lay it and when the eggs produced immediately carry it to a customer.
To solve such problems impossible without modern storage software, marketing management, decision support systems. In practice enterprise departures have got a strong feedback between each others. Marketing departure depends on ready product storehouse, the storehouse depends on sorting machine and the machine depends on the eggs collection. At the same time it is important to satisfy customer's needs and support a sufficient remains level of a product at the storehouse. To puzzle out such complicated mechanism needs very clear task formalization and creation of a simple and logical functional model. During this project realization many new technologies were in use. You can read about them in the article "Eggs production forecasting".
One more project for storage logistics
18 April 2008 Because of increasing competition national enterprises offer more interesting and profitable services. Responsible storage became more and more popular. Now it is an element in many spheres from trading to building. Such storage it is not a place for rent or reselling it is many modern high quality storehouse services. That is why Storage project is not only ETNI Platform next realization but prospective direction for own storage product development.
The new project it is a successful synthesis of storage and billing systems. The main advantage is ability easy to manage flowing processes. Such manage has got two aims. At one hand it is to make more suitable conditions for clients and the other hand is to get more financial revenue.
This project has made for "Knyajeskaya Rus" Company in Moscow. At the moment of start working it supported two big depots which are situated at different parts of the capital. It is possible to learn more if you download User's Guide for Storage system or technical requirements for the project. {storage_tz.rar 49 397Kb)
SellFast project put into operation
2 November 2007 For some last years many publications were written in favor of effective interaction between companies. It is Supply Chain Management (SCM).First of all it means rapid information exchange and momentary response for a new situation. 20 June 2007 group of Moscow distributors made a decision to join their forces in the field of Internet trading. Because of sharp competition they need some new channels of sales, more effective way to cooperate between participants of market. It was a reason for creation of confident Internet project named SellFast. The main idea of the project is to organize delivery from every point of Russian Federation. The system provides database sharing, web access for a company's resources, order generation and their fulfillment control. During 2 months of test operation following new cities were connected: Moscow, Sant-Peterburg, Nosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Nignevartovsk.
A new component for Open Office was released
18 June 2007 In the context of integration with free products a new component has created for data transferring into Open Office Calc (alternative MS Excel) The component uses OLE automation and OLE Bridge technology from Sun Microsystems Company. It allows developers quickly rewrite some complicated data transform in Delphi applications without paying any attention for Open Office inner mechanisms. The new component is free and it can be loaded with some examples in archive: 16Kb
Test drive for a new tracing system
23 February 2007. The weakest part at modern enterprise management is a human. Only a human can make a right decision at unusual situation. When you deal with a deep symbiosis of personal, program products, complicated equipment it is practically imposable to detect a cause of problems origin at enterprise. That is why it is necessary to analyze information system tracing. Thus every workbench can be trace for any moment. It was a reason for new software creating in ETNI family. At the end of 2006 Silentium Company developed a first prototype of the tracing system and run it in several companies. After a month a huge data set has been collected for following processing. In January 2007 some subsystem for analysis, slide visualization, enterprise monitoring has put into operation. The test exploitation was completed 23 February 2007. After defect elimination and some improvements a new product has been released.
A new system myBank has put into service
19 October 2006 The new system myBank has been launch for situation monitoring in the market of credit services. This product was developed in the shortest time and it's testing now at National Bank of Development. The software solution is based on ETNI platform.
MyBank system implies an active data collection in the competitive environment of loan interest rates. It makes a full list of calculations with specific conditions for companies and private persons. Such program allows a bank to make a right positioning of its services on regional markets. Users of the system are credit experts and analytics
MyBank gives all necessary tools for analysis and able to model situation commonly and for concrete cases. Such approach provide a decision making support for a bank top management.
A new software product has been released
1 June 2006 The first version of new enterprise platform ETNI 1.0 released. In the context of this product a full toolkit set intends both for independent companies and large holdings automation. The main features of ETNI are follows - open architecture, wide functions set and ready methodology of new systems development, ETNI abbreviation is Effective Tools for New Ideas. learn more...